Saturday 14 July 2012

How to protect yourself from auto insurance fraud

By on 07:21

Automobile accidents are costly in money and sometimes lives. Unfortunately, it happens that dishonest or criminal organizations intentionally causing accidents in order to enrich themselves by submitting their insurance fraudulent claims. If you want to avoid becoming the next victim of insurance fraud, you must first learn about the kind of fake accidents they may cause, and the way to avoid being involved. You should also know what to do if an accident occurs. This is for your safety, but also your money, because your insurance premiums will increase as a result of a claim. 

It could happen that a malicious driver passes you quickly and immediately pressed on the brakes. In such a situation, it is likely that you do not have time to stop and you embodiments car this malefactor. You could be your turn rammed by the car behind you, causing a serious accident involving several drivers. To avoid this situation, always keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the one you follow to ensure you can stop if the vehicle is stopped abruptly. If someone passes you and seems suspicious behavior, extreme caution and slow down a bit. 

It could also happen that you evildoer gives way to you beckoning you into traffic, then hasten to stamp your vehicle by denying you have missed. Since it is impossible to know whether every motorist who gives you the passage is honest or dishonest, always be vigilant in such a situation. You should engage in a way where you feel safe, rather than to rely on someone who waved through. 

When an accident occurs deliberate, the accused fraudster generally be responsible. It can also pretend to be injured, or if he is really hurt, it will increase the severity of his injuries, and that, in order to get more money for compensation. Sometimes a fraudster who caused a minor accident leaves the scene of the accident and intentionally causes further damage to his vehicle, and then claiming that the damage was caused by your fault in the accident. To prevent such dishonest actions affect you, you can take some precautions: 

-Even if the cars involved in the accident suffered only a few scratches, call the police so that police do a detailed report of the accident. 

-Take notes on the circumstances of the accident. Raise the registration number of the other vehicle, and the name of the driver and any passengers. 

-Observe the behavior of the other driver and passengers. They may seem to have emerged unscathed from the accident, and then pretend to be injured when the police arrive on the scene. 

-Take pictures of the damage to both cars with your cell phone, or a disposable camera that you take care to keep in your vehicle. 

These precautions are intended to counter any dishonest fraudulent claim that a driver could do after the accident.You will be better able to prove what really happened to your insurer. In any case, use caution on the road, mistrust of suspicious behavior and honest police and your insurer.

