Let's refresh our memory. What are the three factors of growth of your business?
- The number of potential customers generated through marketing and advertising.
- The conversion rate of your prospects to buyers.
- The average value of your customers.
How can we use to increase revenue for your business?
Today, we focus on the second element of marketing growth: the rate of conversion of potential customers to buyers.
It's unfortunate, but most business leaders do no monitoring of this factor marketing.However, the conversion rate of sales is measurable and present in all companies, regardless of industry.
Even professional services organizations such as doctors, lawyers and accountants have a conversion rate quantifiable. These professionals make (almost all) of marketing for their business and generate potential customers. It is for them to recognize these potential clients and to determine the portion of those who become buyers.
It is possible for an owner of a retail calculate the number of people (potential customers) that fall within their store versus the number of transactions that are performed. However, many neglect this powerful marketing tool.
Some traders pay very expensive (eg advertising) to attract customers, however, when they visit their trade, they ignore them and watch them from without offering help, without informing them of their value proposition and without capture their personal information. Damage.
Why the conversion rate of sales is a growth factor important factor is that it creates no additional expense to acquire a new customer.
The client is moved to visit your business, he used his precious time to call you and ask for more information about your company. This is the perfect opportunity (and perhaps the only chance you have) to forge new links with the potential customer.
Take the example of dietician in my post: True beauty begins on the inside ... your business , section A dietician and database marketing.
Sale is a very important part of marketing. Good marketing techniques can help you dramatically increase your revenues and profits. All professionals / managers must ensure that their assistant (s) administif (ve) pays special attention to new potential customers and your conversion rates, prospect buyer.
You treat potential customers the right way?
The techniques used to increase the conversion rate of your business should not only be applied by your sales representative. These techniques should be integrated into all your marketing efforts. A mailing that converts a certain percentage of your prospective customers into buyers can be modified and reworked to increase your response rate. Perhaps you could also improve your advertising copy and scripts for telemarketing?
Identify your conversion rate, insert your key marketing messages (value proposition) and measure the changes in your conversion rate.
Find ways to improve it.
How can we improve?
Start by integrating your value proposition in all your marketing strategies. Costs associated with changes in your advertising messages are almost nonexistent, but can have a significant positive impact on the success of your business.
Finally, hone your sales techniques. Sales training should not only be reserved for your sales representatives. These are essential skills for all your business partners who are in contact with your customers.
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