A small number of books have marked the development of the world of business as did 'Blue Ocean Strategy'. Here is a work that requires all our attention because it was sold on all five continents. That said, it has been translated into at least 40 languages. 'Blue Ocean Strategy' has the merit of having also been sold in the form of two million copies.Do not go away, continue much lower reading and you'll be surprised.
'Blue Ocean Strategy' was, at first, published in 2005 by W. Chan Kim and Renée Aubergine of the Institute of Blue Ocean Strategy. This book is the product of 150 strategic ideas, obtained from 30 industries in 15 years of research.This book brings us to develop original strategic areas, especially when we are in an economic sector which saturated the price war in full swing and the products are similar.
'Blue Ocean Strategy', even if it is a book, is also a concept that opposes that of Red Ocean. Ocean Red tends to promote competition and to act in whatever it is within a space 'violated'. With the 'Blue Ocean Strategy', however, we are led to develop a new space, banish rivalry and we focus on the conceptualization of a new application.
Whatever the company or its customers, this book will be highly beneficial. Thus, customers have a more immense value to companies as they compete profitably with their expectations. Companies like Apple, Ebay, Swatch and The Body Shop derive their success because they are remote and market-based conquered to achieve strategic spaces blank. In 'Blue Ocean Strategy', we are led to know that the application is developed rather than torn. Finally, there is no competition in Ocean Blue, since the rules of the game are not yet fixed.
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