Strategy, it is your road-map to success of your goals. You can work with all the good will he be, if you do not before a good strategy will achieve your goal much harder (except if your goal is to go buy a pack of chewing gum).
After writing and planned your goals, you must develop a strategy. Which will be more or less detailed depending on the aims of your goal.
If your goal is to eliminate 8 kilos, then there have to ilva details: what you eat, how long do you spend playing sports, what is the day off, how many pounds per quarter, how often does weigh, in short everything that you need in place to lose that weight.
If, against the ambition of the target is lower, the details are less important. In fact, if the strategy is not necessary is that the purpose is not really one. Think big!
For example I had intended to finish 24 books in the year: it was not really one, but more of a challenge, so a strategy was not necessary. If my goal was to increase the turnover of my business by 10%, then it could be part of the strategy by reading books oriented business and applying them.
How to develop your strategy?
Well, I'll start by mentioning that it must be accurate. For example, to boost my traffic, I considered doing 1-2 invited papers each month. I have been even more accurate, and I have been, giving a date of publication, and a specific number, for example: 1 item invited to write all 15 months. And then it grows even more action.
You need that the strategy is clear, and dated. Must have an action plan.
You want to create a static site to supplement your income month. Before you headlong, it is imperative to first answer these questions:
- How will we make money? For advertising, affiliate ... etc?
- What will be put in place?
Well, you can for example be:
- Installed the site on February 3,
- Created content February 20,
- Promoted March 10 ... etc..
And after that can be further divided into sub parts, all with a time course. All this will push hugely action.
So when you set a goal to be met in two years, also establish your strategy. If for example you have three objectives in the year:
1. Eliminate 10 pounds
2. Arrive at a salary of € 1,000 per month on internet
3. Speaking English
(I purposely limited the number, it is not really good to do too many things at the same time)
For each objective, it will be necessary to establish its strategy. This is very important, if your goals will be forgotten after ... one month maybe! It is necessary to have to do a weekly or even daily toward your goal. Although it is time consuming to create the strategy, but it is a vital point in my opinion.
The question to ask is: what is my strategy for success?
After writing and planned your goals, you must develop a strategy. Which will be more or less detailed depending on the aims of your goal.
If your goal is to eliminate 8 kilos, then there have to ilva details: what you eat, how long do you spend playing sports, what is the day off, how many pounds per quarter, how often does weigh, in short everything that you need in place to lose that weight.
If, against the ambition of the target is lower, the details are less important. In fact, if the strategy is not necessary is that the purpose is not really one. Think big!
For example I had intended to finish 24 books in the year: it was not really one, but more of a challenge, so a strategy was not necessary. If my goal was to increase the turnover of my business by 10%, then it could be part of the strategy by reading books oriented business and applying them.
How to develop your strategy?
Well, I'll start by mentioning that it must be accurate. For example, to boost my traffic, I considered doing 1-2 invited papers each month. I have been even more accurate, and I have been, giving a date of publication, and a specific number, for example: 1 item invited to write all 15 months. And then it grows even more action.
You need that the strategy is clear, and dated. Must have an action plan.
You want to create a static site to supplement your income month. Before you headlong, it is imperative to first answer these questions:
- How will we make money? For advertising, affiliate ... etc?
- What will be put in place?
Well, you can for example be:
- Installed the site on February 3,
- Created content February 20,
- Promoted March 10 ... etc..
And after that can be further divided into sub parts, all with a time course. All this will push hugely action.
So when you set a goal to be met in two years, also establish your strategy. If for example you have three objectives in the year:
1. Eliminate 10 pounds
2. Arrive at a salary of € 1,000 per month on internet
3. Speaking English
(I purposely limited the number, it is not really good to do too many things at the same time)
For each objective, it will be necessary to establish its strategy. This is very important, if your goals will be forgotten after ... one month maybe! It is necessary to have to do a weekly or even daily toward your goal. Although it is time consuming to create the strategy, but it is a vital point in my opinion.
The question to ask is: what is my strategy for success?