Friday, 24 February 2012

Create success strategy

By on 17:42

Strategy, it is your road-map to success of your goals. You can work with all the good will he be, if you do not before a good strategy will achieve your goal much harder (except if your goal is to go buy a pack of chewing gum). 

After writing and planned your goals, you must develop a strategy. Which will be more or less detailed depending on the aims of your goal. 

If your goal is to eliminate 8 kilos, then there have to ilva details: what you eat, how long do you spend playing sports, what is the day off, how many pounds per quarter, how often does weigh, in short everything that you need in place to lose that weight. 

If, against the ambition of the target is lower, the details are less important. In fact, if the strategy is not necessary is that the purpose is not really one. Think big! 

For example I had intended to finish 24 books in the year: it was not really one, but more of a challenge, so a strategy was not necessary. If my goal was to increase the turnover of my business by 10%, then it could be part of the strategy by reading books oriented business and applying them. 

How to develop your strategy? 

Well, I'll start by mentioning that it must be accurate. For example, to boost my traffic, I considered doing 1-2 invited papers each month. I have been even more accurate, and I have been, giving a date of publication, and a specific number, for example: 1 item invited to write all 15 months. And then it grows even more action. 

You need that the strategy is clear, and dated. Must have an action plan. 
You want to create a static site to supplement your income month. Before you headlong, it is imperative to first answer these questions: 

- How will we make money? For advertising, affiliate ... etc? 
- What will be put in place? 

Well, you can for example be: 
- Installed the site on February 3, 
- Created content February 20, 
- Promoted March 10 ... etc.. 

And after that can be further divided into sub parts, all with a time course. All this will push hugely action. 

So when you set a goal to be met in two years, also establish your strategy. If for example you have three objectives in the year: 

1. Eliminate 10 pounds 
2. Arrive at a salary of € 1,000 per month on internet 
3. Speaking English 

(I purposely limited the number, it is not really good to do too many things at the same time) 

For each objective, it will be necessary to establish its strategy. This is very important, if your goals will be forgotten after ... one month maybe! It is necessary to have to do a weekly or even daily toward your goal. Although it is time consuming to create the strategy, but it is a vital point in my opinion. 
The question to ask is: what is my strategy for success?

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Summary of the book "Blue Ocean Strategy"

By on 17:38

A small number of books have marked the development of the world of business as did 'Blue Ocean Strategy'. Here is a work that requires all our attention because it was sold on all five continents. That said, it has been translated into at least 40 languages. 'Blue Ocean Strategy' has the merit of having also been sold in the form of two million copies.Do not go away, continue much lower reading and you'll be surprised. 

'Blue Ocean Strategy' was, at first, published in 2005 by W. Chan Kim and Renée Aubergine of the Institute of Blue Ocean Strategy. This book is the product of 150 strategic ideas, obtained from 30 industries in 15 years of research.This book brings us to develop original strategic areas, especially when we are in an economic sector which saturated the price war in full swing and the products are similar. 

'Blue Ocean Strategy', even if it is a book, is also a concept that opposes that of Red Ocean. Ocean Red tends to promote competition and to act in whatever it is within a space 'violated'. With the 'Blue Ocean Strategy', however, we are led to develop a new space, banish rivalry and we focus on the conceptualization of a new application. 

Whatever the company or its customers, this book will be highly beneficial. Thus, customers have a more immense value to companies as they compete profitably with their expectations. Companies like Apple, Ebay, Swatch and The Body Shop derive their success because they are remote and market-based conquered to achieve strategic spaces blank. In 'Blue Ocean Strategy', we are led to know that the application is developed rather than torn. Finally, there is no competition in Ocean Blue, since the rules of the game are not yet fixed.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Reasons to invest on the internet

By on 17:46

You want to expand your market and show a worldwide presence? Creating a website is a great way to achieve your goals. Before investing online, discover all the advantages that can offer you a presence on the web. 

It is a fact afford a website is not always given, at least if you want to have a platform for effective and efficient communication. However, investing in the web provides significant benefits. Indeed, in this way you can make yourself known, prospect, and customer loyalty information and then manage the production and distribution of your products and services. With a website, then it is possible to increase your margins. How? 

Internet, your business card 
By creating a site, before you offer any identity on the web. You can explain your business, enhance your assets, impose your products and services, in short, you mark your territory against the competition. Moreover, as it is certainly on the web, not to be what it is hands free. 
In addition, with a website, you can work your image so modern and dynamic. You can show your expertise and mastery of your business without having to reveal the human and financial size of your business. And you will be able to showcase your best work, an opportunity that you will anywhere else. 

Internet for a window on the world 
A website will allow you not only to promote your business locally and worldwide but also attract potential customers.Such visibility is unexpected cheap without site. 
Or as potential customers are primarily users, an online presence will help you to approach a little better. Internet, offering you the advantage of a considerable deployment of your market is the best prospecting tool ever devised to assert your presence on a global scale. 

Internet, the performance of a powerful marketing tool for your profits 
The website is the primary means of communication of the universe B To B Therefore, it guarantees the performance of all your marketing and sales functions. It is a medium of information between customers, distributors and the company network. Being a link exchange with your customers, it is a great way to sell. Indeed, using the online application, you will be more responsive to the demands and needs of customers, while improving your internal function. The speed and fluidity of your information will be more qu'appréciées. By investing in a website, you grant you the guarantee of a loyal clientele. 

Internet to increase your sales 
Investing in a website is to expand your market and consequently, it is to increase your sales. You will also savings on overheads and various loads, the processing time and the cost of surveys. Result: the productivity of your business will be even better. A website is not only a showcase presentation is both a logistical and strategic solution for the growth of your business.
