Despite the growing opportunity to purchase a great auto insurance online insurance agencies retain a strong influence on this market. It is indeed likely that in practice the French use the Internet with a view to obtaining a price comparison but realized their priority commitments in insurance-agencies. Indeed, unlike the new generation who will not hesitate to sign a contract young driver car insurance via the Internet, their elders are more reluctant for several additional reasons. Firstly in terms of compulsory subscription of auto insurance, the French attach a lot of consideration and probably feel better comply with the legislation in force in a more institutional way. In addition, being able to access his insurance agency in a physical way is a strong enough reason to trust especially in the event of the occurrence of a problem of any kind whatsoever. Moreover, this finding can also be explained by the sometimes complex operation of auto insurance including regarding the mechanism of bonus mauls automobile.Therefore, the ability to access information as well as detailed explanations live thanks to the presence of a counselor is likely to greatly reassure road users. Thus, it is interesting to discuss the survey conducted by the FIFG HyperAssur benefit since it actually appears that "79% of respondents self insured signed their contract with an agency, 74% in a traditional insurer or mutual and 5% with a broker. " This is a very interesting because it illustrates the difficulties faced by market car insurance online to win new market share. Nevertheless, it is likely that gradually increasing every year as has been the case in many other industries in the past.