Monday, 30 April 2012

Car insurance: the predominance of agencies

By on 20:35

Despite the growing opportunity to purchase a great auto insurance online insurance agencies retain a strong influence on this market. It is indeed likely that in practice the French use the Internet with a view to obtaining a price comparison but realized their priority commitments in insurance-agencies. Indeed, unlike the new generation who will not hesitate to sign a contract young driver car insurance via the Internet, their elders are more reluctant for several additional reasons. Firstly in terms of compulsory subscription of auto insurance, the French attach a lot of consideration and probably feel better comply with the legislation in force in a more institutional way. In addition, being able to access his insurance agency in a physical way is a strong enough reason to trust especially in the event of the occurrence of a problem of any kind whatsoever. Moreover, this finding can also be explained by the sometimes complex operation of auto insurance including regarding the mechanism of bonus mauls automobile.Therefore, the ability to access information as well as detailed explanations live thanks to the presence of a counselor is likely to greatly reassure road users. Thus, it is interesting to discuss the survey conducted by the FIFG HyperAssur benefit since it actually appears that "79% of respondents self insured signed their contract with an agency, 74% in a traditional insurer or mutual and 5% with a broker. " This is a very interesting because it illustrates the difficulties faced by market car insurance online to win new market share. Nevertheless, it is likely that gradually increasing every year as has been the case in many other industries in the past.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Save or earn more to increase your purchasing power?

By on 20:33

In times of crisis, the employment crisis, debt crisis and austerity measures arising from or result from each looking for ways to increase their purchasing power to live as accurately as possible. 

Inflation and wage stagnation is inevitable brake to increase purchasing power. 

However, it is possible to use tricks and methods to put butter in the spinach. 


There are two options to increase its purchasing power save or increase revenues. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. This is what I propose you to discover in this article. 

1) Save 

If you want to save, it is also the easiest to set up, you will first need to make your accounts. 

For this you realize a file open office or Excel where you'll notice all your expenses and income. So you can see the areas where you spend too much and where it is possible to save. 

Advantages: Easy to set up 

Disadvantages: creates restrictions 

2) seek additional income 

To increase your purchasing power, you can increase your income, but it is not always obvious. 
But there are jobs, particularly on the Internet, which will save you tens (more) euros extra each month. 

Advantages: no need to make restrictions 

Disadvantages: you have to work anymore, so give her time

If you opt for the savings you will see some small simple steps will save you tens of euros per year, as the tip of the flush, making his laundry or the smart buy its products food. 

Similarly, if you opt for option 2, ie look for methods to supplement your income month, you'll see that on a single computer and a few hours a week, you can earn a few extra euros every month.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

How to take advantage of a tax loophole

By on 20:32

From this moment you can watch if there is a possibility of reducing your tax when you make a real estate purchase or payment of additional insurance, if you are TNS or if you have staff at home to aid (household children , elderly), there are many tax loopholes. 

Looking on the internet, there are more than 500 established by the state, but there will be only a few for you because these niches were created to respond to electoral clienteles. 

This is also why at every change of government, there are more or less negative interpretations, instead of promoting the development of them. 

How to enjoy a tax shelter, it's a good question, you must first define how you pay tax and how much you can save each month. 

Make a small patrimonial approach and find your current obligations, you can not use more than 33% of your income to repay an investment property under certain conditions up to 42% for TNS. 

Once you have done this approach, you must define your goals and only then, you can search any tax shelter may be helpful to develop your assets or reduce your taxes. 

The easiest way is to contact one of our Wealth Management Tips for making all these initial research and then mount your file knowingly. 

There is a proverb that says "Help You, God will help you" and although it is a tax shelter 
Help creating your wealth by investing tax-free. 

The state will help to reduce your purchase as a reduction of rental and if you run your computerate property income "

Of course eventually the state will also receive taxes on the gain on the sale or tax on your property income as well as the transmission if you have not planned this with our advisers. 

Do not wait to find out an investment to take advantage of a tax shelter and develop your assets. 

Enjoy leverage your savings, time passes and allowing your tenant to participate in paying off your credit and eventually enjoy a just appreciation of your property because you have chosen the right place at the right time.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

When saving, Tips to make saving easily

By on 20:31

Whenever you receive money, you must make the decision to keep a certain percentage later, put on a product immediately and not to touch. 

It is easy to think that you do not earn enough to save everyone thinks the same regardless of the amount of your income. 

It is therefore essential to start the day we receive your salary or a sum of money to save the set amount before you start paying your bills, your rent, your loan repayments etc.. 

Because if you do differently, you'll never save the euro and after 10, 20 or 30 years you will still be asking yourself the question "when saving." 

Not to suffer in life, you need to organize, savings is a tool to help medium and long term to obtain additional income or capital which will make you a person at ease. 

The state plans to tax you for each of your purchases (VAT) and a tax on everything you earn in a year, you complain but you pay each time. 

In part against the state should provide services that you do not have the means to do because it spends your taxes on other things. 

The state allows you to choose to transfer a portion of your taxes to help certain categories of people or region. 

This is a good way to use your savings and investing at the same time reduce your taxes to take advantage of the investment incentives. 

Once you pay taxes, you can study one of these "tax loopholes" and enjoy them for one term capital much more significant leverage rather than saving one of your booklet. 

Contact one of our tips to learn about real estate products that reduce your taxes, VAT recovery, and enjoy the rents of tenants to pay off your credit, these possibilities are not négligables aid you create a personal wealth of quality.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

How to earn and save, without missing?

By on 20:28

Saving money always seems difficult because we think too often (wrongly) that saving means "to deprive" ...However, everyone can increase their purchasing power without necessarily denying take some examples: 
- If you have an Internet connection and a computer course (which is certainly the case), if you look closely you will find a growing number of sites that offer coupons to use on the Internet, but also in your favorite stores, and of significant discounts at this time of autumn, the free shipping and other savings. 
- But this is not all, have you thought to peel all your insurance example and well read? 
You will be very surprised that you certainly useless contracts that cost you a lot though over the months, years. 
- How do you pay your taxes? Monthly installments, at once, the third party? 
Many taxpayers prefer the monthly payment for convenience, but why not put these aside on a monthly booklet that will earn you some interest and pay your taxes or third once? You will gain interest on your taxes ... It's simple but clever and it works, you might as well win every year some significant interest. 
- Your groceries, your household products, beauty ... Have you thought about them on the Internet? 
By visiting this web site preferred brand, you will quickly find that you return your shopping much cheaper rather than going directly to the store, because you'll be less tempted. 
- Have you had the curiosity to look at the fees your bank charge you every month for services you never use? Take the time to do it, and calculate the year that these options will cost compared to what they give you really ... 
Know better spend their money and increase their purchasing power while saving you ask common sense and some research, but discovering many tricks to "earn more without working more," you'll be amazed how much you can save in total each year:

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Save on car insurance

By on 20:27

In Quebec, it is mandatory for all car owners to have car insurance with a minimum value of $ 50,000. This, liability insurance covers damage caused by a collision when the driver is not found liable, as well as damage caused to others when it is responsible. In addition, it provides protection abroad. Insurance companies also offer some additional protections that cover such theft and damage caused by vandalism. 

When it comes time to choose a car insurance company, the decision can be quite difficult. There are in fact over 200 insurers in Canada. Therefore, it is advantageous to compare the services offered by them, as well as the premiums charged to each of them. 

An insurance premium is determined based on several factors, such as vehicle model, year of manufacture and value. The use of the vehicle (eg if the driver is used for work, to go to work, etc..) And the type of place where it is used are factors that affect the price of insurance. 

The premium also differs according to the driver himself. It is among other things based on his record in Society assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) or on the number of accidents in which he was involved and the number of insurance claims he made. The age and sex or driver (s) may also vary the amount of the premium. The insurer may request permission to access the customer's credit file. It has the right to refuse, but it can disadvantage in some cases preventing the company to make an offer more profitable for him. 

It is also worth mentioning that the premium can differ greatly from one company to another. Therefore, a simple way to save is to check with several insurers before making a final choice. It may also be advantageous to deal with the same company to ensure his car and his house. In fact, the client sometimes takes some discounts by choosing the same insurer for several products. Those who can afford to increase their deductible (the amount to be paid by the customer for damage), which will reduce the amount of their bonus. 

There are also many ways to save directly connected to the vehicle insured. For example, the premium is higher for a car model popular among thieves. In this vein, the installation of an antitheft system lowers the price of insurance. Get an alarm system, an immobilizer or a tracking system can be financially rewarding. A driver wishing to save can use public transport or walk to work if possible. Using the car less, it would lower the price of its premium. Finally, drive carefully respecting the highway code is a good way to avoid an accident and the accompanying claims. 

Auto insurance is mandatory, but nobody is forced to pay exorbitant premiums. To reduce the amount of insurance is available to any driver who takes the trouble.
